Friday, January 30, 2009

January 29, 2009-What I Like to Call “Man vs. Toilet”… Bear Grylls Style

If your stomach is a bit uneasy, you may not want to read this passage (just kidding, I will keep it clean). Yeah, I had my first bout with Travellers, I will call it, Sickness. This typically occurs to travelers within the first two weeks of travelling due to the new food and, sometimes, different aspects regarding the country. Well, I fought and fought and fought, and I think I finally won… It started at 7 this morning and it is almost seven right now… uh oh, hold on a sec… … … … … Well, at least I thought I won.
Just kidding, I am almost over it. When the doctor at the “Travel Center” in the U.S. asks you how many anti-diarrhea pills you would like, always answer, “as many as you can legally give me… and 10 more.” Problem is, I have the antibiotics, but I am afraid to use them because I only have 10 pills… I am one that likes to be on the safe side, so I tried to gut-it-out (pun intended) for the day. I finally gave in and took one. I feel approximately 100x better, give or take a couple times. So, that was my day, pretty uneventful. I haven’t eaten anything all day and am looking forward to tomorrow already. I got zero work done today, which is frustrating. I did, however read six chapters in the book “Banking for the Poor” that I had mentioned earlier. The book, is more detailed than “The Price of a Dream” and goes through every in and out that Muhammad Yunus went through when starting the Grameen Bank… all in all very good so far.
I forgot to mention a few things in the prior posts (and since this post is unseasonably short for me, I will take this opportunity to inform you).
• On the way back from the center meetings yesterday we travelled past the Catarman Dump… it reminded me of home. In case you didn’t know, my parents’ house is located fairly close to the Deffenbaugh Dump in Kansas City, Kansas. I wonder if they have fireworks coming from the Catarman Dump in celebration of their Independence Day?
• I looked in the mirror yesterday… not a pretty sight… there are no mirrors anywhere… which is probably a good thing…
• In order to travel from place to place, and I mean anywhere, even if it is a block away, people take pedicabs. Which are just a “push” bike (bicycle) with a side car (Wichmann’s dream). I will take a picture and try to post it within the next week or so.
• Music is the heart and soul of the Philippines. Everyone is always singing the latest pop song and memorizing it for their next Videoke night. Which brings me to my next point; I think the ratio of good singers in the Philippines is about 1:1, whereas the United States it is probably 1:1,000, if not more. I am guessing it is because they all grew up singing, but then again, I have only visited one Karaoke bar and it was not as pretty as a 1:1 ratio.
• David Cook is huge here (Lacey). When I went to my center meetings yesterday morning, there were two girls sitting outside playing one of his songs over and over again… and memorizing it. I guess that goes for any pop singer, but I have heard quite a bit of David Cook while I have been here.
Hopefully tomorrow goes a lot more smoothly than today. I am on the upswing with my health right now… but we shall see. I still have no appetite, but we all know that that will not last long… MAN’S GOTTA EAT! Anywho, hope all is well with everyone. I shall post more tomorrow… It’s Friday, so who knows what that will have in store for me!


Unknown said...

I hope you get to feeling better! I wish I could refill your "Travellers Sickness" prescription from Kansas City, but they won't let me. Get some rest!

Anonymous said...

crackers and bottled water. You should be able to last at least a week on just that

Unknown said...

Thanks for the advice both of you... back to eating local food today!!! we'll see how long that lasts!