Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009-Is That Rain or a Waterfall?

Monday has been eventful thus far.  I woke up to constant rain, it stopped for about two hours (luckily, that was the time I was touring clients houses) and now it is just a constant down pour.  I went to the Jollibee for lunch and as I was walking to the Internet cafe, approximately 100 meters, and it started a torrential down pour.  When it really started coming down, I was in front of a pig-feed and rooster-feed store.  I hid under the overhang so I would not experience swimming home.  Once I stuck my head underneath the overhang, the owner told me to come all the way inside of the store (about 15 feet by 10 feet).  I stepped inside and he immediately offered me a chair (there were only two in the store) and some lunch.  We started talking for a bit and he told me that he enjoyed cock-fighting and it would never be allowed in the U.S. due to the cruelty of animals... I noticed.  Cock-fighting is televised on one of the stations and I watch it sometimes.  It is pretty brutal, but not as bad as I thought it would be.  Some of the roosters have the act of playing dead down pat.  So, when the rooster is "done" fighting, the "judge" picks up both roosters and drops them simultaneously on the ground.  Before the judge touches the roosters, they are both lively and spritely, but for some reason when he drops them, one, or even both roosters fall to the ground like a back of rocks.  Then the rooster returns to it's owner and the rooster begins picking fights with the other roosters, even though he may have lost... very pesky animals... especially at 4 in the morning... I am sure I will be revisiting this subject multiple times over the next few weeks.  I am actually surprised that it took this long to get to my first breach.
Once the rain settled to a "gentle pour", I walked to the Internet cafe, my shoes still got completely soaked.  The rest of the day consisted of working and catching up on some emails... I won't bore you with the details... unless I already have.
Again, thank you for reading my blog!  I just wanted to let you all know that it means a lot to get comments on the posts!  Even though I include a lot in the blog, there is still so much that I would love to discuss with everyone when I get back, or if you are reading this and you are in the Philippines, I can discuss with you now!

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