Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

Hello everyone,

Thank you for visiting my blog!  If you made it to this blog you are either a family member, friend or a friend of a friend, so therefore you have made it to the inner-circle... congratulations, I guess, depending on how you look at it.

First off, thank you again for visiting.

Second, if you haven't heard of the Grameen Bank it is a fabulous organization that lends to needy communities.  If you would like to learn more please visit their website at

Thirdly, I have been fortunate enough to go to the Philippines in January for a couple months to volunteer with the organization... truly going to be a life-changing experience.  So, please join me in my journey and experience what I experience while I experience it!

Thank you again, and there is plenty more to come!


To find out more about the project I will be working on, please see the post below this one.... click on the images to view the fill-size "jpeg" images.

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