Monday, March 9, 2009

Tuesday March 3rd, 2009-“Links, Links, and More Links… and a Bit of History Correction”

First of all, I took the liberty of looking up some links for your viewing pleasure.  I highly recommend all of them, but if you only have a few minutes, I will put them in order of “must sees”.


Rivermaya (Band):  214 (song): Ricky Blanco (singer)

Closer to You (song):   Toothpaste Commercial:

Sponge Cola (Band):  Pasubali (Song):

Milo Commercial (played about every other commercial, the other one is the toothpaste commercial, see above):

I will post some more favorites later, but soon to come will be the famous Jollibee theme song, WaWaWee, more music and much much more!

A bit of correction on History:

I read a little bit about Filipino history last night and wanted to set some things straight.  Apparently I was way off on say that there was a Prime Minister in the Philippines.  It is a democracy, so the leader of the nation is the President.  Currently, the president is a Female (the second in the short history of the country).  There were never any military coups to take over the government.  I had briefly read that there was martial law instituted, which is true, during the 1980’s in fear that the he was not being well-liked by his country and was worried the opposing political party would beat him in election (so, like any good president, he ensured his position by instituting martial law… good idea, right?)…

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