Tuesday I had the same motorbike ride as Wednesday, but for some reason Wednesday took it’s toll on me. The motorbike ride is approximately an hour and fifteen minutes from Catarman, which is fine, but I was nearly exhausted from the previous day, but that wasn’t going to stop me from the occasional good times (which happen a lot in the Philippines, making them not-occasional). Laoang was not short on these either.
The previous day we had visited the government offices of Laoang to get the proper business permits for NSCAP to operate. While there, I am not sure, but I think I might have promised to marry a couple of the governmental employees… it was in the local dialect so I had no idea what I was nodding and smiling to… but one time I did it, they all busted out in laughter and Dexter (the Branch Manager of Laoang) said something to the effect of “They like you”… I said that I am just a different face in a different place… and that was pretty much it… I did manage to grab a picture of the engagement party though. Very nice.
Lunch on Thursday consisted of lunch at one of the Loan Officers house’s. It was very nice and I ate a lot… I could probably say that I have gained all of my weight back that I have lost since arriving here in one sitting. I also met the son of the Loan Officer, he was probably 16 months old and was extremely cute. He was old enough to show me the sign of respect. I don’t think that this was covered in prior posts, but the local way of showing respect to elders (namely, family members) is to take their hand and, as you would go to kiss the top of their hand in a European culture, the Filipino culture puts the top of their (elder’s) hand on their own forehead (the younger person’s)… it is a great way to see the interaction between the younger and the elder… I think the kid just didn’t know who I was, so he did it to me, it was very nice.
Thursday was another fiesta for one of the daughters of a client. The daughter had just been baptized and there was much celebration. There was one difference between this fiesta and prior fiestas however… it was at 11 in the morning. Lechon was served and goodness ensued and I was not famished anymore. Also, a child at the fiesta showed me the sign of respect as well, twice in one day! It must have been my luck day! Upon returning the Branch, I noticed there was a parked Jeepney next to the branch, I had to take advantage of the situation so I took some pictures for your viewing pleasure… including one of me being the conductor. More on Jeepney’s later.
Thursday night was another fiesta, including a trip to Dexter’s house with Bimbooy (I just realized yesterday that I was spelling his name wrong this whole time… sorry) and Sir Vivencio. It was a great time with great food and brandy (and the “one glass” rule was properly in effect). The night was good and I apparently promised to give my camera to Dexter after having one too many… luckily, he did not demand payment and, as you would know if you took business law, the contract would not be binding… but that is for a different discussion that would probably put you to sleep… not that you aren’t already.
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