Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Business As Usual:

A few items to note about Filiponos and working:

·      The workers in Grameen complain about the same thing as Americans, such as salary/benefits/incentives (although, I will have to say, the majority of Americans are overcompensated).  Also, Grameen workers do a lot of work.  Since they don’t have computers, they actually work for 8-10 hours a day, sorry any previous employer that is reading this, but I was not quite as efficient.

·      They are a lot more relaxed than in the U.S.  It is much more appealing to go to work, because they act like they are a bunch of friends and family.  I feel like I am the uptight one!  Anyone who has worked with me knows that I am far from uptight, but that is how relaxed and fun they are!

·      Authority is seen as more of an equal and communication between the two is less formal, causing, what I think, better communication.

·      Work is work however, and workers don’t always like their jobs, even at Grameen.  I will say I haven’t heard near the complaints about it as much as in the U.S.  I am the same way, however, I want more salary, but to work less… makes sense, right?

·      When the bill comes for lunch, there is always arguing on who is going to “run it through” (to all of you KPMGers, this should sound familiar).  Only difference is, our bill in the Philippines was only 350 pesos (or $7.00)… for six people.

·      All in all, rapport and morale are great and a there is a great environment of people.  I shall enjoy working with them over the coming weeks.  

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