Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 2009-I’m starting to get upset…

… at myself.  I have been here a week and I have only really had two productive days of work.  I don’t count the first day because I was so tire, even thought I did learn a lot.  But today was another day filled of trying to get well… and typing… if you couldn’t tell.  I am again, looking forward to tomorrow and feeling better.  I did learn a bit more about the procedures today and took my first steps to making some progress on one of my projects (interest rate and cost analysis… my favorite thing to do… and I’m not even joking).

Other than that, as you may have guessed, not much going on, I had a hamburger for breakfast because that was the only thing that I thought I could keep down (I did!).  And I had some soup for lunch… we will see about dinner, but I will probably have a sandwich or something.  Anywho, I am now plotting how I am going to get to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday (it is on at 7 in the morning here and I am not sure if it will be on cable or not)… we shall see how that pans out.  I am going to guess that I will miss it and get a random text from Dupree that either confirms or denies that the Cardinals won.  Hope all is well!

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