Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 26, 2009-NSCAP Training/Grameen Bank

Well, it turns our I came at a pretty good time for NSCAP/Grameen.  Note:  I may refer to NSCAP and Grameen interchangeably.  It is because they are one in the same in the Philippines.  Grameen “merged” with NSCAP about a year and a half ago in order to better improve on NSCAP.  One thing to note however, due to the merge, there are various differences between NSCAP and the original Grameen idealogy.  I will do a brief overview of the differences as I learn more about both. 

Anywho, I came the same week as their yearly planning meeting.  In the U.S. this typically happens the year before the year you are planning for, but, as this is a relatively new organization with new management, this was the week they determined was best.  All in all, it makes no difference to me and I am actually very glad I was a part of it.  At the training/planning meeting, all 10 branches were represented, plus the head office representatives (representatives are the Quality Managers and Branch Managers).  It was very good that I was a part of it because I am learning about everything that the Bank has to offer.  Our analysis for the new year has included a SWOT analysis among other things (this is where I get into a bit of the details of what I will be doing, so enjoy seeing what this trip is actually about… I will obviously be including tidbits about culture and other items, but enjoy nonetheless).  All of the information has given me a great deal of items I may be able to help the office with in the near future.  One of which, which may take more than two months (don’t worry Haley, I can do it at home), is creating an Excel database that requires only one input and has multiple outputs (including Financial Statements).

Currently, this process is completely manual, up until the daily collections and disbursements is summarized.  The problem is, they require reporting for various items, such as by Loan Officer, by client, by branch, by day, etc.  This is recorded and tabulated multiple times, which drains pretty much the entire afternoon for the Loan Officers.  I am sure any of you that really know me can appreciate that I will pretty much be in heaven if this is what they want me to work on while I am here… I love spreadsheets… as you may know… and if you didn’t, now you do.  I have been planning and scheming over the past few days (including over the weekend) on how to create this excel database.  The Loan Officer will only have to input the data into the spreadsheet once and the rest will be automatic for the day.  Two problems however:  They do not have any computers in the offices (they are planning on remedying that) and I am not sure how interactive my spreadsheet can be (such as if new loans are added or services provided), but I will do my best. 

The idea though (in case you wanted the bigger picture) is to free up the staff’s time in the afternoon to go from house to house and gain new clients and try to determine the reasoning for delinquent payments.  First, most clients are obtained through word of mouth (friend of a friend), so having Loan Officers actually selling the product will create more clients and therefore helping those in need.  Second, delinquent payments are the only reason any bank really fails and can only cause grief for the borrower.  Currently, Loan Officers spend half of their day recording.  If they have an afternoon to research delinquent payments, then they can assist the borrower in remedying a potential problem and therefore getting them back on their feet.  Also, if there are too many delinquent payments (currently a problem in this area… hence, why I am here) then the bank in this region will not be supported any longer, because after all, it is a business.

Other than that, I have been brainstorming of other areas for improvement or areas in which I can help, but still have a lot to learn and a lot more work to do.  I do have a meeting with the Branch President (a University of Eastern Philippines, or UEP professor) in regards to what I plan on doing while I am here.  The meeting is tomorrow night and I hope she will shed some light on my trip and what she hopes for me to accomplish… very exciting.  I think she has a lot on her plate and anywhere I can help I would love to… after all, that is why I am here!

Other items to note for the day included my first authentic Filipino dining experience.  I have eaten only Filipino food since I arrived in Manila (aside from KFC once… and Jollibee, which has a “fast food” version of Filipino food), but Bembooy told everyone in the branch that I liked to eat with my hands, so we washed up and went at it!  I was quickly corrected in my eating style (which is the way Filipinos used to eat) when the girl next to me, who was properly using a spoon, told me that I needed to use my entire hand, not just my fore finger and thumb.  I don’t know if she was patronizing me, but I abliged anyways.  I don’t know if you knew this about me, but I hate eating messy food, one of my biggest pet peeves… this was all put to rest when I had pig “internal organ” juice running down my forearm… I wish I could say I have a picture, but the girls sitting next to me took a couple and I am not sure how to get it off of their phones… nonetheless, it is documented!

For dinner I want to the local coffee shop and updated my blog posts, if you didn’t notice… also, if you didn’t notice, I have had some spare time on my hands to write.  I am sure this will subside as time progresses and I become more busy with work, but for now, it is a great way to record my recounts of the culture and my experiences.  Also, if you have happened to read my father’s famous journals, I am going for the “Most Words in a Day Award”… I think I just passed it… beat that Pops!  At the coffee shop, I talked to the owner’s cousin (also an accountant) for a bit who works there in the evenings.  Her true dream is to open a cinema store however.  I told her my favorite movie was Shawshank Redemption and she called me a dramatic… Filipinos are not short on their humor.

Anywho, the owner of the coffee shop ( also runs a wightroom next door.  He was extremely nice (Paul, I believe I have spoken of him before) and showed me the gym.  It was complete with a few machines and free weights, as well as a badminton court.  The gym was all open-air and had 10-15 clientelle at the time I was there.  It reminded me of my high school gym, a real man’s gym, not like 24-Hour, but a true man’s gym (Zack… you are not allowed).  Paul introduced me to a few of the clients and the were all very nice and asked me if I lifted weights.  I replied that I had limited experience, but would probably frequent the gym while I am here.  Paul then said, “Some go drink beer, we come in here.”  My response was, “I come in here so I can drink beer.”  They also asked if I liked American Whiskey (also known as burban, whisky is only made in Ireland, but if you premise whisky with “American” it is not improper.  Scotch is essentially whiskey, but it is distilled in Scotland… just so you know)… I happily said, yes, I loved whiskey… it’s true… I do (any kind, I don’t discriminate).  They proceeded to tell me they usually got together on Saturdays, brought their own bottle of whiskey, and drank it.  I need to see how big these bottles are before I commit to anything.  I decided to call it quits after the Coffee Hub and I went back and awaited my 4:30 a.m. wakeup call from Richard (the rooster).


Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. You are, of your own free will, drinking pig juice while lifting weights and drinking your own bottle of whiskey?? Good on ya bubber..

Jon Nixon said...

I shall try all of these at once... but for now I am doing them consecutively... and it's not pig juice... it's pig's "internal organs".