Monday, January 26, 2009

Catarman, Northern Samar, Philippines

Catarman has about 70,000 people based on the literature that I have read.  It has a population of 70% below the poverty line and, of the remaining 30%, not many are well above that line.

There is one flight in and one flight out every weekday.

It is a very religious town with two mass services everyday (Catholocism).

It rains… a lot.

The people here are extremely nice.

It is also really hot here, like in Manila.

You can only cross the runway (airport) before 7 a.m. and after 5 p.m.... yes, I said you can cross the runway.

Salumad (Thank You)



Iceman said...

I like fonts. Lots of different fonts.

Jon Nixon said...

It's the way this computer copy and pastes... for some reason it does not transfer the same over... I my fix it later, but don't know if it is worth the effort... thanks for the constructive criticism!