Monday, January 26, 2009

January 19, 2009-Departure day (SFO to Seoul to Manila)

Well, I wasn’t planning on this, but my departure day just so happened to be the same day that Obama is taking office.  As I wondered what this meant for my departure, I couldn’t help but think that there was the possibility of someone “testing” the newly sworn-in President on his first day in office.  I sure hope that this is not the case, but you never really know, do you?  I don’t think I have anything to worry about.

On another note, when the person who you talk to in regards to travel plans/visas/hotels, tells you not to worry about that stuff, you probably should look into it, just for your own personal reassurance.  First off, I am a bit freaked out about getting into the Philippines, as my departure date is outside of the standard 21-day visa, since I am staying for 57 days, this could pose a problem (with no departing flight in the 21-day period).  However, the person I am going to be in contact with in Catarman assured me that this would not be a problem; it is still a bit un-nerving.  Apparently, you can get an extended-stay visa when you are in the country in Manila.  If this is the case, I am sure I will not have a problem with getting an extended-stay visa and I will be set to go.

Other thoughts I have had so far is that I am a bit nervous to travel by myself, but it is not an experience I have not had before.  I travelled in Europe for a month by myself and made out just fine.  The only thing that is pressing is my uncertainty, but I keep telling myself that there are a lot of people that travel like this and people wouldn’t do it if it weren’t a fun and exciting experience.  So, I am looking forward to a fun and exciting experience once I get to Manila, the problem is, there is about 20 hours of travel between now and then.

That being said, I hope to update my posts in the next couple of days and let you all in on the happenings.  I would assume the majority of the anxiety will subside once I get to my final destination, Catarman, so I will keep you updated!

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