Friday, January 30, 2009

General Comment RE: Blog

Hello everyone! I just wanted to first, thank all of you that are following and all of your comments are appreciated and I enjoy reading them (and commenting back)! It has come to my attention that some people at NSCAPF (Philippines) have been reading my blog! Which is great news, I am glad that you happened to stumble upon it and I hope you are enjoying. On that note, I wanted to let you know that if any of my comments offend you, I sincerely apologize. I wish to not offend you, so if there is something that you would like me to remove, please feel free to text me or contact me in person. Again, I, by no means, look to offend anyone and I am enjoying every minute I have been here so far (except for yesterday… a bit of the Travellers Sickness… which has continued on to today)! I look forward to sharing more experiences with everyone and please keep up with the posts! Hope all is well with everyone.


Anonymous said...

soooo if the picture on the front of your blog offends me, will you remove it?

Anonymous said...

the one with the backpack. Not the one form the run way, that one is pretty cool.

Jon Nixon said...

why would that offend you... you never call any more...

Sentro ha Pagpauswag ha Panginabuhi said...

Hi Jon - did you enjoy my fair city back home in Oz? Are you in America now? Bimboy gave me his email address but it bounced back, do you have contact details for him? Its rather easy to network when you are the only white woman in this town. Ingat, jen