Monday, February 2, 2009

January 31, 2009-Week-end looking for the Week-end… ooh Fred’s got slacks!

If you couldn’t tell by the title of the post… insanity is kicking in!  I wouldn’t be going so crazy if I hadn’t spent the last two days in my bed trying to recover.  I am feeling a lot better today and I think by tomorrow I should be back to normal.  By the way Cipro (Traveller’s Sickness medicine), is quite possibly the greatest thing ever invented.  But again, always ask your doctor to prescribe in multiples of 25 (not four).

Well it is only noon and I have already had an adventurous morning.  I went to the Jollibee for breakfast… again.  I had a hamburger and fries… a fine breakfast… but, again, it was the only thing that I thought I could eat.  This portion of the Blog, I like to call “Similarities and Differences”.  Since the prevailing fast food restaurant in the Philippines is Jollibee and the prevailing fast food restaurant in the U.S. is McDonald’s (who I was contracted with… still waiting for that check by the way… just kidding), I will first compare these two:

·      Jollibee’s are very very clean… McDonald’s are usually very clean.

·      Jollibee serves hamburgers and fries… so does McD’s.

·      Jollibee serves them for breakfast… not so for McD’s.

·      Hot Dogs at Jollibee!

·      Spaghetti at Jollibee!... for breakfast too!

·      ALL people who work at Jollibee are very nice and always have a smile… McD’s is hit or miss.

·      Jollibee has the equivalent of a “beer vender at baseball games” selling happy meal toys… walking from table to table.

·      All of the Jollibee employees speak English… McD employees may speak English, but you can’t understand them sometimes.

·      A value meal at Jollibee is approximately $2.15, at McDs it is closer to $5.00, if you are lucky.

·      The have someone pick up your tray for you at the Jollibee, they don’t even let you take your own.

·      Someone squirts your ketchup for you at the Jollibee!

So that was what I observed today at Jollibee… evey experience at Jollibee is a good one!  (that may or may not be the slogan)  Also, if you would like to visit the Jollibee website, it is 

Some other things that happened this morning was an extended “brown out”.  I had left my computer plugged in all night to charge and one of the girls that works at the Hina Branch told me that it would not charge during a brown-out… I noticed (I’m completely joking). 

Also, I went to the ATM to get some much-needed cash (nobody takes credit cards… anywhere.  There was a line of about twenty people to get cash, so I patiently waited my turn.  There is an ATM across the street that was “off-line” (out of money) and one person was courageous and tried it and it worked.  Four of the people in front of me ran over to the other ATM and got in line (not advancing their position at all).  Once they realized that the ATM was, in fact, out of cash, they hustled back over to the line I was in, said something in Filipino and cut me in line.  It didn’t bother me, but it was funny that they were not getting money for just themselves.  They pulled out the ATM cards they had to get money from (family members, I presume) and one lady had five cards… I was beginning to worry that this ATM machine was going to go “off-line” in the near future.  Luckily, I was able to complete my transaction and was on my way to my next stop.

Since I was not planning on a brown-out, I was not expecting difficulties in my next endeavor, laundry-time.  I had inquired with one of the Grameen workers if the laudry mat would be open or not.  She said they were open, but they would not have laundry done until Thursday.  Now, I packed lightly and I am on my last few pairs of clothes, I am not sure if I am going to make it to Thursday… I am waiting and smelling with anticipation.  So, I went to the laundry mat to drop of my clothes.  Between the time that I inquired with the co-worker and the time I went to the laundry mat (approximately 15 minutes), the laundry mat had closed… son of a!  Oh well, I may have to go get some provisional’s (in golf that is equal to “covering you’re a**).  This is the part of the blog that I would like to thank Jared Kushida for letting me take his baby powder on my trip… I am not sure how I would make it four days in sweltering heat without it.  I will buy you a new bottle, I am sure it will be a lifesaver. 

The rest of my day may consist of working, as I didn’t get any work done on Thursday and Friday… well the rest of my day did consist of working and I was quite productive… I performed my prelimnary cost-analysis on the MBA program but still need some details in order to finish it… but at least I got some work done!

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