Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 3, 2009- Center Meetings, Round 2

Well, I left the house around 7:00 a.m. in search of some food as I was supposed to be picked up for a Center Meeting at 7:30 by Injimar… My mission failed and we were off.  I will not include the details of the Center Meetings in this post (I will post a separate one after this), but I will tell you the personal points of the meetings.  I realized quickly that I am glad that I had a desk-job in Kansas City before coming to the Philippines.  About halfway through our 20-minute ride to the Center Meeting it started pouring down rain.  I wish I could tell you that rain pellets in the face felt like down feathers, but they don’t.

We arrived at the Center Meeting a bit early, but the ladies were already starting to congregate.  They were all very nice to me and they even asked me for my number… which I happily abliged… sorry Haley…

Again, I will include more on the Center Meeting in a separate post, so please read that one too!

After the Center Meeting, I went back to the Branch and worked on various things for the day.  I am working on reviewing Policies and Procedures of NSCAP and trying to expand on them.

The night was uneventful… rained all night… went to Coffee Hub for dinner because it is very close and the people are very nice there.  While there, I am reading about our current President in his book “Dreams of My Father”.  It is very well written and I can see why he is such a wonderful speaker.  I am looking forward to the rest of the book… and as my dad reads this, he thinks I’m becoming a socialist!  I probably am…  Me and Matty GP are going to start our own nation of socialism where nothing gets done, but people still get paid… it’s going to be great!


Anonymous said...

No need to start your own country the US is going that route

Jon Nixon said...

Yeah, so I hear... what is going on over there?!