Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009-There is a Reason I Don't Sing... at the Beach?

I was invited to attend the Beach with Mme Juneth and Sir June at the previous Fiesta... an offer I happly accepted.  Bembooy was still in the Dog House (see previous post).  I was under the impression we were going to the beach and it was like going to the beach in San Diego.  You get there, you lie out a blanket, you jump in the water for a little bit, you read, you relax... again, like the gift for the nine-year-old, I was way off.  I brought a book... I didn't need a book.  I was worried about not having swim trunks... I didn't need swim trunks.  I ate before we left... I didn't need to eat.  I didn't warm up my singing voice before arriving at the beach... I need to sing "Mommy Made Me Mash My M&M's".  I should have expected it, I should have used some deductive reasoning, I should have... but didn't.  They had Videoke at the beach!  Not only that, but it was the center of attention.  Not only that, but their entire family was there!  There were approximately 30 people related to one-another that made the trek to the beach... it was fantastic.
About 20 minutes into the party, I already had a beer in hand and was "threatened" by Mme Juneth.  "If you don't sing videoke, we won't give you a ride home."  I know she was only joking, but I did need an excuse.  For my first song... "Hound Dog" by Elvis for my pops... I sang with the accent and everything.  Sir June's uncle was enjoying it, so I even did the hip-shake...  I rounded out my selections by singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" for Haley and "All out of Love" originally performed by Air Supply for Andy and Jenny and my college roommates who watched Van Wilder with me at least 56 times Junior year (Robert, Megan, Mike, and What's the Deihl with Ryan Deihl).
The fiesta included many of the same treats as the night before, but more beer for me and less brandy... at the beach.  I took a walk along the coast and got some pretty good pictures.  It was a bit cloudy and, of course, rainy, but it was fun nonetheless.  I was able to speak with lot of the family members of Sir June (his side of the family is from Northern Samar and Mme Juneth's family is from a different island and unable to attend).  They were all extremely nice and entertaining.  They were already planning my next trip here and offering for me to stay with them and have dinner with them.  Much in line with everyone I have met so far, the family member's of acquaintences are even more hospitable than strangers (even though strangers are also hospitable).
I declined on getting into the ocean, but will do so before I leave.  The party was next to a hotel beach resort and was very nice (both the resort and the venue we had the fiesta).  One of these weekends I may have to visit a couple of the beach resorts.  It seems out of line with my trip, but I figure I might as well do it once to have a relaxing weekend without Richard waking me up every morning... but we shall see.

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