Monday, February 9, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009-“Sam Wise Gamgee to the Rescue”

Well, you may think that I caould go consecutive posts withough mentioning Mark Teahen (1), Chipotle or LOTR (Lord of the Rings), but I couldn’t resist.  This occurrence really happened on Thursday, but I will tell you now.  I was lying in my bed, reading, and I saw something moving on the wall.  I thought nothing of it, thinking it was really Lary the Lizard (I later came to find out that Larry had been another victim of my inhumane treatment and was stiff as a bord next to the bathroom… only a coincidence, I swear).  I looked to my left non-chalantly, wondering why Larry was coming within six inches of my hand… very uncharacteristic of Larry.  Now, Leo, in his later days, would come up to me and sit in the palm of my hand (kind of like Gipetto), but those days were short-lived and neigher of them will be with us in the future… moment of silence please…

I digress.  So, I looked to my left and it was a two-beer version of a lizard (it had eight legs as opposed to four… it was a spider… if haven’t caught on by now).  Now, I am not one to get all goosey about a spider, but upon further inspection, I couldn’t help but notice that this spider was the size of my hand… it was the largest “non-caged” spider I have ever seen.  I immediately grabbed a shoe and THWAP!  I missed!  Let me tell you a little bit about the creatures in the Philippines… they are extremely fast.  I don’t know what it is, maybe I have lost a step, but I have only gotten two mosquitoes since my arrival.  The things are just elusive… plain and simple.  In Kansas City, I could get at least two a day if I tried (I could also throw a football over that mountain).  I am not sure the lizards deaths were my fault, but it wasn’t due to my quickness.  They are now in lizard heaven having plenty of two-mosquito and two-cricket.

The spider must have been of the same breed as the mosquitoes, it was quick, I had to find a way to contain him/her and ATTACK!  By this point the spider scurried to the corner, trapped!  Luckily the plunger was right there.  There are a lot of ways I would not want to go and death-by-plunger is up there.  Getting hit in the head with a Royals’ game-winning home run by Mark Teahen, choking on Chipotle/Ramiro’s Burritos, excessive Guinness… these are all things that I could live with (contrary-pun intended).  Death-by-plunger… not one of them.

Peso to Dollar Comparisons

P44 for a liter of gas or $3.41 for a gallon

P20 for a Coke at a Restaurant or $0.43

P350 for a nice hotel room or $7.45

P115 for a combo meal at Jollibee or $2.45

P180 for lunch for four people or $3.83

P30 for one beer or P60 for two-beer or $0.64 and $1.28

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