Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009-"I Blush"

Today has been much of the same.  I went to a Center Meeting this morning and was, again, greeted with open arms.  It is funny to visit different centers because they all have their own personalities.  For instance, today was much different than yesterday.  Yesterday, all of the woman would ask me questions yesterday.  Today, they all said they were very shy and did not want to ask questions.  They were shy?!  I didn’t notice, but I am extremely shy when it comes to center meetings.  While they are all very nice, I would rather them open up to me than me ask, what may be, intruding questions.  However, one thing is very consistent at every meeting… they all ask me within the first two questions if I am single.  I smile and am flattered, but happily answer that I am, but am committed.  The look of disappointment is widespread (just kidding).

I did get a lot of work done, and plan on posting more about the center meetings and the various people I have met, but right now I really have to think about going to bed.  It has been a long week and I have much more to come.  I hope all is well with everyone.  Email me or comment if you get a chance!


Unknown said...

Tell those women to back off! Just kidding!

Unknown said...

BACK OFF LADIESSSS! Hey Bubber! Hey Haley!

Jon Nixon said...

Hey mike...