Friday, February 27, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009-“Introducing Mardi Gras to the Philippines Cannot Be Done by One Man”

When I got up this morning and told the Loan Officers at Hina that it was Mardi Gras all I received were blank stares (really, pretty typical when I talk to receive blank stares, whether I am in the US or the Philippines, people always don’t quite understand me, follow?).  I indulged the unsuspecting staff on the traditions of Mardi Gras and how it is a very festive time and a celebration before the Lenten Season.  Since the majority of the population is Catholic, I thought it was tradition that Lent was a time of sacrifice, but it turns out, the only thing that is given up here is meat on Fridays (fish is okay).  I could tell I had my work cut out for me, so my preparations began.  I was going to have Mardi Gras one way or another.

Turns out my efforts were futile and even Sir Vivencio would not (“could not” would be more appropriate) join me for Mardi Gras.  But, however, I was able to attend a fiesta for one of my fellow co-workers.  It was her birthday (I did not bring a gift as I was invited five minutes before the start of it.  Even if I did bring a gift, I probably would have brought something for 10 year-old boy (see prior birthday story if this does not make sense)).  Laarni was turning 24 (I think) and she is the Branch Manager for the Bobon Branch (also known as the Rainbow Branch).  Her mother had prepared many dishes, all of which were fantastic.  She had shrimps (I stayed away after my recent bout with crab), pork, chicken and sweet potatoes that aren’t really sweet potatoes.  She had all of the people over from the Branch and family members… it was quite fun and was probably more appropriate than Mardi Gras… not probably… it was.

It would drive my father insane, but the light switches are backwards here… up is off and down is on.

Had another round of tuba last night and it was good.

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