Monday, February 16, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009-“Valentine’s Schmalentine’s”

Well, the day started off great!  I slept in (until 6) and decided today was the day that I was going to get a lot of work done… well, I did… then I got sick again… but am okay now.  Since the day had really nothing to note, I will comment on some of the other things that I have been meaning to get to in prior posts.

Tv-More of the Usual, with a Philippino Twist

Soap Oprahs here are the same as in the United States.  There are long dramatic pauses after something “monumental” happens.  Riddle me this:  If it is so monumental to stop the show and play climatic music, then why does it happen every 10 minutes?  If it is monumental, then it probably doesn’t happen that much… but it does on TV.

Of the 20 channels I get, four are American movie channels (I should say movie, because they don’t all play American movies, I am watching Wayne’s World right now however).  Six are music channels, including an “audio only” channel.  It is great to hear David Cook on four-second delay also.  Just kidding, I love how music is a central part of their culture, it seems to make people happy all the time… side note: there is NO Nickelback or Slipknot here, which I am very thankful for… so no hate music, so that is a major plus.

There are a few channels that always play basketball, local and NBA.  It is either basketball or sport fishing for sports.  Other than there is one channel that constantly has India vs. Sri Lanka in cricket… I think I have watched it 20 times already and still have no idea what is going on.

There are American sitcoms and Filipino sitcoms; they have Deal or No Deal and Pinoy Fear Factor.  The do have this one game show that, whether the name is this or not I don’t care, is called “Hip, Hip, Hooray”… I don’t care because that is the whole game… it is very entertaining.  One person says “Hip, Hip” and then they move the microphone to the next person and they have to say “Hooray” (with hand gestures).  There is not method to the madness, but there are about 20 people that start the game and only one winner… I am anticipating Brett’s would take this country by storm (I shall try to introduce it at my next two-beer).

To round out the viewing pleasure are about 5 channels that are Christian stations.  If I haven’t already heard (bird is the word), the Philippines is 90% Christian, and they are active practitioners.  I was at church and the whole mass was full of people (about 1,000 people).  So, it is no surprise that a major percentage of their television stations are Christian stations.  I watch them sometimes, one is a Christian Music station by the way (blending the two most popular things in the Philippines), when I am working… but usually watch the Die Hard Quadrilogy which is on frequently.

So, that was my day… pretty eventful… naaaat!

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