Friday, February 13, 2009

General Comments-Jon Rambles… again.

I went to the coffee shop the other day (see some of the pictures!) and I talked with Paul, the owner, a bit.  He was nice to talk to and I made a comment about his shirt, which was labeled “Arizona”.  He said his cousin gave it to him and he looked forward to visiting the United States.  I asked if he wanted to go to New York or Los Angeles, but he surprised me when he said he wanted to see the cowboys and experience the wild wild west (something I can do!... minus the guns) and hike the mountains and visit the canyons.  I found it ironic that many of the people in the places he was talking about would love to come visit his town with the beaches and the ocean.  I guess when you are surrounded by it all of the time, you just want to see something different, regardless of whether you live in the Rockies or on the Pacific Ocean.

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