Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009-“Wearing Red=Not a Good Idea if You Don’t Want Attention… and Other Things”

I bought a shirt the other day with the advice of one of the Loan Officers at Hina Branch, Donna.  It was red, I did not think anything of it, so I got it.  I wore it out around town yesterday and had numerous people ask me if it was my birthday… since it is nowhere near my birthday and I thought people had an uncanny knack for guessing peoples birthdays (it wouldn’t really be a knack since they were way off), I just replied “No” and went on my merry way.  After the second time this happened, I texted Donna and told her that I was unaware why people were commenting on my birthday.  Come to find out, from Bembooy, that persons who wear red are either celebrating their birthday or are part of a rebel group… I was neither… unless my last trip to the bars included a pact I was unaware I made… just a joke.

One other thing to note, I was in my local eatery where I frequent daily, it is very good, and I was watching WaWaWee.  I have touched on this game a bit before, but one of the games within the game (kind of like Plinko is to the Price is Right) is the “Hip Hip Hooray” game… (if you YouTube this, you should by the way, it is hysterical, it is actually Hep Hep Hooray)… if you don’t recall, not that big of a deal, but you should still YouTube it.  Anyways, one of the girls that was working at the eatery had just happened to turn it on and I proceeded to watch.  There were many contestants during this portion of the show, around 20 and one of them was noticeably different than the others, he was a tall white guy.  I thought, “I wonder how he got picked to be on the show?” but my questions were answered when the hostess (lady with pink hair) stopped everything when she saw him and proceeded to hug and smooch him up, she then introduced herself (common practice in the Philippines is to hug and kiss, then actually introduce… only a joke, this is not common practice).  So she asked the tall white guy where he was from and he said that he was from the United States… no big deal, it’s a pretty big country… she asked what city and he said, “I’m from Kansas City, Missouri”… are you kidding me!  This was hysterical.  Here I am, watching TV thousands of miles from home and there is a guy on the local (Manila) show from Kansas City!  I was intrigued to see how long he would last… he lasted about as long as it is taking you to read these sentences…  I think I might try to get on the show when I go back to Manila… why not?

I had some tuba with some co-workers later that night and had a great time conversing with them and learning a bit more about the intricacies of the organization, as well as the intricacies of trying to plan around wives… just kidding.  I found my new favorite hamburger in town and it is in an unexpected place… the Coffee Hub.  While having the best cup of coffee by far, they also have great hamburgers, whodathunkit?  Instead of dipping a doughnut into my coffee, I will now dip a hamburger.

At work I have been working on numerous tasks and I actually feel like I am accomplishing something… before I just felt that anxious feeling that I was learning but not doing anything, now I am actually accomplishing tasks and, like God said, “It was good.”  For someone as powerful and all knowing, you would think he/she would have indulged themselves a bit more (I am going to guess God is not into the self-indulgence), but maybe God doesn’t ramble as much as I do… a straight-shooter.  I could imagine that a conversation with God would take about two sentences and then you would be enlightened much more than in the 432 posts I have written… maybe I should shorten these up a bit… then again, that is probably not going to happen.

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