Friday, February 27, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009-“Waking Uuuup Is Haaaard to Do… unless you are in the Philippines”

There is no thing that Filipinos would rather do than videoke… it is simply amazing how much their culture sings and listens to music.  In the United States, many people listen to music and we always have it on in our cars and iPods are always going, but it is more of a passive listening… not as an active listening that Filipinos do.

Which brings me to my next point.  Many things in my time here have waked me up in Northern Samar, namely roosters (Richard), rain, and the occasional chirping of a lizard (another one bit the dust today, by the way).  There has been one recently that has been of great surprise and that is of a girl in a house behind me that videokes at the ripe time of 5:30 until about 7.  She is very good, but really?  5:30?  I guess it is better to be woken by her than by Richard, but it is astonishing how early everyone is out and about here.  I would say the average wake-up time for Filipinos (going back to the rooster thing) is around 5:00 am and their sleep time is around 11 pm.  It is very impressive how much energy they all have and I just hope it rubs off on me.  For example, I have started working for 8-10 hours a day (sporadically) for an entire week (I know, an anomaly!) and I am pretty tired by week end, but all of the bank workers are still raring to go and ready for the weekend…  there must be something in the water (that I can’t drink)… maybe I will try it one of these days… ssssiiiiike.

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